I tend to agree that this sentence would be challenging as a beginner, but I’ll break it down anyway:
This sentence has two clauses, which you can break apart to help with the meaning.
First, チューターに添削してもらう
してもらう I’m not sure if you are familiar with this use of もらう, but it is not about receiving a thing. It is used as an auxiliary verb to represent that you are having someone do something for you. It is similar to してくれる, but with してくれる the focus is on someone doing something for you. The action is done by the giver. With してもらう you are having someone do something for you so the action is being done by the receiver of the action, or the one having someone else do something.
チューターに添削してもらう= have the tutor correct . What that something is, is not clear, in this sentence, but should be clear by context from prior sentences. Let’s say it is a report. You could then say:
私はチューターにレポートを添削してもらう=I have the tutor correct the report for me.
But in Japanese, what can be understood by context often is left out, so we have:
チューターに添削してもらう and the subject could be I/you/etc. and the object could be a report/sentence/recording/etc.
The second clause is:
This one also has an auxilary use of a verb, きます When attached after the て form of a verb it means the the action of the prior verb is coming in the subjects direction. If we assume the subject is “I” we could say:
私にレポートが送られてきます A report is sent to me. 送られて is passive, so I made the English translation passive.
These two clauses are joined by the particle と. It has a few different uses. When used after/between nouns or nominal clauses it means “and”. In this case it is used after a verb. It generally confers and idea a strong causal connection between the two parts and that one happens upon or right after the other. ボタンを押すと、音がします。When I press the button, a sound is made.
So knowing this:
Assuming the subject is you the reader, and leaving ambiguous what is corrected, one translation could be:
“Once you have your tutor do the corrections, a report will be sent to you.”