AI continues to give misleading definitions - Russian

“Дональд Трамп приступит к обязанностям после инаугурации”

приступит does not mean “will take office” as ai claims in Lingq (screenshot below). In Context, followed by “к обязанностям” it does mean that, but that’s not what Lingq is showing. Lingq wants to record that definition for the single word “приступит” which means to start something. AI’s definition will be misleading the next time the word is seen in a different context. It would be misleading if I didn’t recognize the problem.

If AI is going to do this, it needs to show and save the whole context. If I wanted to highlight and save “приступит к обязанностям” I would do so. I don’t. I understand the context. I just want the proper definition saved for “приступит.”

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Thanks, I forwarded this to our team.