After three years, nothing compares to Lingq

I’ve been using Lingq going on three years now. (July will be three years.) There’s still no tool that compares to the usefulness of Lingq.

Surprisingly, I’m only now beginning to see the huge value of the vocabulary review tools. I guess I was, for too long, overwhelmed by my target language to get a lot of value out of those. And I only recently started using flashcards in general to explicitly learn words. I have successfully learned words simply by absorbing input, but I now do find a lot of value from flashcards – and Lingq vocabulary review.


It is strange how I am happy to ask Steve about other apps. I dont think it occurs to me or him that somehow I would use it instead of Lingq. Any good apps out there it is always a good idea to use it with Lingq.

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Exactly, It also never occurs to me not to use other apps, but Lingq is the most generally useful. Other apps like Flashcards Deluxe have their place in my study. And certainly YouTube is essential to me to find interesting content for lessons in Lingq.

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Great feedback for someone like me that is new to LingQ, I have tried quite a few methods previously with little success, LingQ certainly feels right so far after a couple weeks.


I would like Lingq to provide an API so other apps can use their features.

I have used LingQ nearly one year now, and quite satisfied with it. Probably I will extend my subscription when it expires.

But sometimes I wonder if people think the “right” app will magically learn them the new language, and forget LingQ it’s only one tool of several.


You should also take a look here and search this forum for other info as well:

Been only using LingQ for about a year, but it is the only app I pay for (and I got my husband hooked on LingQ as well after he got frustrated with Duolingo). It’s versatility and ability to work for ALL language levels is what makes LingQ stand out. There are no other apps that I can use for advanced Japanese, and it’s even effective for my basic German skills.