Africa Life

Hello everybody,
What means " lacker " in this sentence : " And, yeah, growing up in Zimbabwe was “lacker” as we say there."

I know this is not what you mean, but “läcker” in Swedish means sleek, delicious, luscious…all in all, yummy!

Hello Centigua,
Thank you for your answer.
So, " lacker " is a Swedish word ?

The next sentence says “That means really cool in Africans.” So I would say it is a slang word in Zimbabwe. I’ve never heard the word before.

Yes, it is…it’s a Germanic word. In Swedish it is “läcker” and in German it’s “lecker”.

And, yes “läcker” is cool! It means mouth-watering!

ça met l’eau à la bouche :wink:

Hello Abee77,
I agree with you. In the second sentence that say : " really cool "
Thank you for your answer.
Have a nice day.

@ Centigua,
Merci pour votre réponse, et en Français !
Have a nice day