Advice on French Lingqing

Hi All

I am working up to 50,000 known French words using Lingq, as a first step, and will then come back to French in a few months to carry on with it.

I want to ask if anyone can advise on what to do with blue words that comprise l’ or d’ plus the vowel at the beginning of any noun that begins with a vowel. Lingq shows them all as new words, but they are not really new words. eg d’élongation or l’élongation and une élongation.

I am trying to find out because if there eg 30,000 nouns that I need to know, I will be a long way off knowing 30,000 if I have incorporated d’ and l’ into my counts.

So, does anyone know if Advanced 2 is based upon users deselecting OR selecting as known or unknown all these blue words with l’ and d’ ?

I want to arrive at a level of vocabulary equivalent to that known at C2. What woudl that then be, does anyone know, dependent upon what to do with all the d’s and the l’s?

I hope I have explained this, It would be great if Lingq could ignore all contractions like these, if contractions is the correct term. I expect Italian presents the same issue.

Thanks in advance.



Out of my 200k lingqs 5106 contain (l’)
and 3608 have (d’)
I don’t know Lingq’s criteria, but even with my 28k “known words” I don’t feel like C1-Advanced. I guess taking my stats as an example, if you will lingq all this words as known, you’ll be a looooong way off.
btw, same goes for the verb conjugaisons, wouldn’t you say that it is sufficient to know infinitive to know all the other forms of the verb. Then, upon learning one verb, you’ll be able to add about 20 forms to known words.
Anyways, whatever method you choose, just stay consistent with it, if you want to compare your stats to someone else’s, you have to use the same logic that person used while linguing.


LingQ counts all variations of a word as separate words, including contractions. So Known Words are not what linguists call headwords. I make no effort not to count words starting with l’ or d’ etc. I doubt any LingQ users do.

This means that the LingQ Known Word count is much higher than the usual understanding of a vocabulary count. But that’s OK. In LingQ it’s just a statistic indicating one’s exposure to the language.