Adding translation

How can I add translation into Polish into this lesson?

Provider(s) can add translations. Could you provide it and they’ll then do it for you? Just post your request/translation on their wall as a public or private message. Good luck!

I doubt that any provider will add translations to all lessons, especially to such a long podcast as TED Talks. It’s a very hard work.
The translations you can find only for some short lessons for beginners. And even here not for all lessons.
If you really would like to learn a new language, try to translate yourself - it’s a part of our learning.
Good luck, Piotr! Wsziskego najlepszego!

Many TED talks have been translated. You can search for talks in Polish.

Many of these talks will be translations. Then find some that are interesting which were originally delivered in English. Then you can import the English version into Lingq, and also obtain a Polish transcript. (I don’t know if the particular talk that you’re interested in was translated into Polish, but it might be worth looking into.)