Add Dictionary: Contexto Reverso for Korean

I was wondering if Context Reverso could be added to the list of available dictionaries for Korean. Thanks again Lingq Team for such an amazing application!

Moved your post to the Support & Feedback Forum so the team could see it!

They don’t check the open forum as often.

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@Hagowingchun Sure thing, done!

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I do not know if it is my eyesight, but I do not see it as one of the available dictionaries from among the list. Please let me know if I am doing something wrong. Thanks again!

It’s added. What is your dictionary language?

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All my dictionary language’s are English. Also, is it called contexto reverso, or is it labeled as something else? The List of Korean dictionaries is very long and maybe contexto reverso isn’t showing because there are too many available? I don’t know if this is the problem, but just an idea? Anyways, thanks again for all the help Zoran!

Yes, the dictionary name is Context Reverso and Korean > English combination is available for it. I just checked and it appears on my end. Can you give it another try?

I just check (unadded dictionaries because I haven’t added this yet) and this is what shows up via the Android app:


And on the Chrome web browser:

Strange, I’ll look into it.

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