Adalberto strikes again - NEW LESSON IN ITALIAN

I don’t know what it is, but recently I feel inspired. Maybe the planets are aligned. I created a new post on LingQCentral IT, and it is obviously also a lesson with audio here on LingQ!

Mille grazie Adelberto. Ho letto e ascoltato tu articulo. Interesante. Ti suggero de leggere dei libri de un autor Giapponese, Haruki Murakami. Ne ho letto uno in Portuguese, " A Sul da Fronteira, A Oeste do Sol" Me ha piacuto molto, ed io non ha l’abitudine di leggere i romanzi.

Thanks for the great Italian content, and it is a good idea to put these articles into the ItalianLingQ blog as well. It gives is exposure on Twitter and LingQ. It is interesting to read about the books you are reading and I, in turn, suggest you get to know Murakami.