Activity Scores and Targets

How are the activity scores arrived at, is there a list somewhere that says 10 new Lingqs = x points and 0.5 hours listening = y Points etc?
Is there anyway of setting your own targets?

Hi Paul,
The Activity Score includes all of these: LingQs created, LingQs learned, speaking events (15-minute conversations attended), words of writing (through submissions on Exchange), minutes of conversation hosting and days logged in last month. 10 points each day you access a language, so 300 activity points over 30 days if you actively study a single language every day through the site.
Visit the Help section for more details: (Community Help).

For now it’s not possible to set your own targets, sorry!

Thanks Zoran. Is the new Android App imminent or are you still looking for testers?

Yes, you can still join the beta. If you are interested please contact me on zoran(at) and let me know which email address you are using for Google Play on your device. Thanks!