Activity Score

Though I don’t care much about Activity Score it is strange how they are counted. It seems that the formula presented in FAQ doesn’t work. Today I’ve seen how my scores felled rapidly from 807 to 675 though I created new LingQ. Perhaps I do or understand anything wrong? Does somebody know more?

Hi Hein,
I had the same surprise one day, from one day to the next I had more than 1.500 point less and cannot understand why.
I think the most points are coming from writing and/or speaking but I don’t know exactly. But I thought the point are for ever an adverage.
Perhaps can we get a clear explanation from Mark.

Sorri, Jürgen, I changed your forename with family name :slight_smile:

Jurgen and Irene,

The Activity Score measures your activity for the last 30 days. It is not a cumulative score. If you were more active the previous month, your numbers this month will be lower.

can it be that the points fall down more than 1.500 points one day?

Irene, I have had that happen on the day a month after I had written a larger piece and had worked through all of my built up lingq of the day emails. If you have a day that is particularly productive, I find it is useful to mark that day in next months calender to prevent yourself from disappointment.

(not that I believe that I am Mark) :wink:

I couldn’t have said it better myself! :wink: Irene, I know you submit large writing samples so that is undoubtedly why.

Yes that can be Mark, but I think a longer time for the average would be a good idea.

Of course there are better Activity Score systems which really motivate to be active.
But I think for the learning itself, it’s not important. It is not the Activity Leaders List that counts, but as we see on the LingQ site – “The number of words you know….”

As long one maintains a regular schedule of saving and learning words, the activity score should remain pretty constant. It’s not the end of the world if I’m moved down a few places tomorrow. Eventually things will even out.

If anything, the activity score is indicative of the amount of words we do not know. I realise this even more when one hour a week of Japanese pushes up the score with more than 200 points whereas an hour of English doesn’t even add 30 points. The larger the percentage of unknown words in the material you study, the easier it is to get a high score, it seems.

an interesting point Nicole, because I couldn’t understand how it is possible that I work the whole day and my score is not really higher - and yours is running high so fast!