
Do you know a good material to learn English accents?

Do you have a particular accent in mind ?
Which particular accent in English you would like to learn?

this place is awesome- I recommend shadowing the accent you like (or several) (read at the same time as the audio, trying to match it)


Thanks for the link! It may be very useful for those who are interested in accents. The number of recordings is simply amazing!


I prefer British accent, it sounds adorable, I would like to speak in english as british speaker :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link


I would just find some clips of people speaking in the accent you like best and start trying to copy them. There are quite a few British accents in English, the standard “educated” one you will easily find on the news.

There are a few podcasts available from BBC radio : BBC Sounds - Music. Radio. Podcasts
I would suggest radio 4 has many academic and educated accents on it.

If you want to add me on Skype I’d be happy to help you

Wow :slight_smile: thanks :wink: