ABSOLUTE Beginners Course in Spanish

Hi there,
We have just realeased a new collection for those of you who are starting to learn Spanish from scratch. This is your starting point at LingQ. Easy Spanish content for absolute beginners!
We are not going to use famous claims such as “You will speak Spanish in no time” or “these are the best lessons ever”. We all know there is a lot of content in our library and sometime we may be lost. So these are just good lessons to start with.
This collection contains mostly short dialogs at a slow speed so you can easily recognize the words. The goal is to get basic vocabulary and structures and be able to ask and answer easy questions in basic conversations. Right now there are 32 lessons, but collection will be expanded, so came back once in a while for new lessons.

Here you’ll have the link to the collection: ABSOLUTE Beginner - LingQ Language Library

Hi, I think what you do is great. When I’ll come to Spanish (once in the future :slight_smile: I’m sure I’ll use your lessons.

I suggest that you create a website like the one that I’ve created for German learners: Helpful to start learning German (Beginner in English): http://learninggerman.verasblogs.com/beginner-in-english/
That could be a guide for absolute beginners to find suitable lessons and get some structure. I think this is very helpful at the beginning.

Thank you Vera. We got inspired by your amazing work in the German library! We are planning to create a website like yours in the near future! Thank you for your comment!

These are excellent. An easy introduction to the language through listening and reading, without trying to nail anything down. Just slowly starting to absorb the rhythms and structures of the language, and picking up a few words and phrases that will have to be revisited again and again.

This is exactly what new Spanish learners need. Easy and short lessons.
No complications.

Good job Albert and Berta!

We have updated this collection with 9 new lessons: ABSOLUTE Beginner - LingQ Language Library

Hi there!
We have added 29 lessons to our ABSOLUTE Beginners collection A1. (ABSOLUTE Beginner - LingQ Language Library)

We have added 19 lessons at the end, but 10 lessons in between lesson 8 and 41. We know this could be a little confusing, that’s why we’ll try to explain right here.

We felt that some lessons that we already had in this collection needed a little bit of vocabulary/expression reinforcement, so we have created some additional lessons to deal with this. We considered to add these lessons at the end of the collection, that is, from lesson 41 on, but it would have made no sense. So we have added these lessons in their right position and we have re-enumerated the lessons affected by this (from former lessons 8 to 41).

To sum up, if you start studying this collection right now, this does not affect you. If you have already studied this collection and just want to keep going with the new lessons, just have in mind that the former last lesson (41) right now is lesson 52, so you should continue on lesson 53. Sorry for the inconvenience.

In the following days we will also update the ABSOLUTE Beginners revisited A2 collection.