About correct Korean version

When I was searching the import the text bar, There is no import bar(clickeble)at workdesk by Korean version. And I see the translation miss. 중요will have to be 가져오기, I think.

The only way to get to Import is by clicking on the Import tab. I will change the translation as you suggest.

By the way, we are looking for more help to translate the site into Korean. If you would be interested in helping, please email support [at] lingq [dot] com and tell us you are willing to help with the Korean translation. It would be much appreciated by all our Korean members!

OK. Thank you for your reply, Mark!
If I have some time and I can do it, I‘m glad to help LingQ.
I will contact to support.

Oh! I’m in my dauther’s account. I forggot that ^ ^;