{(A1, Q1)+(A2, Q2)+(A3, Q3)+ ...}

{(A1, Q1)+(A2, Q2)+(A3, Q3)+ …}

How can I describe the above whole set in ordinary English?

  1. a combination of A and Q
  2. a combination of A’s and Q’s
  3. combinations of an A and a Q


(I will post again, Sorry. )

{(Q1, A1)+(Q2, A2)+(Q3, A3)+ …}

How can I describe the above whole set in ordinary English?

  1. a combination of Q and A
  2. a combination of Q’s and A’s
  3. combinations of a Q and an A


I would try:

The sum of the combinations each comprised of an element from Q and an element from A.

The problem I have faced is the expression in the following sentence. A tutor advised me to use plural forms of “question” and “answer”. It is not a mathematical expression, but I could not express the problem by other ways.

“For the people who pass by, a wall should have , for example, a combination of question and reply so as not to give a strange feeling and cause misunderstandings.”


Besides using “question” and “answer” in plurals, perhaps also change “combination” to “pair” to make the meaning even clearer?

“For the people who pass by, a wall should have, for example, pairs of questions and replies so as not to give a strange feeling and cause misunderstandings.”

I wonder which of the three is/are right or wrong.

(1) a pair of question and answer
(2) a pair of a question and an answer
(3) a pair of questions and answers
