A Suggestion

Today I wanted to submit an essay by using my accumulated 2300 points. To my surprise, my points were 0! I quickly checked what happened. They expired last month. I immediately remembered that points will expire three months after buying them.

Even though this was my fault, I still think that LingQ could email a points expiration reminder to members one week before points expire.

Hi nangpan,

We may implement a reminder at some point. Thanks for the suggestion.

Definitely we need a reminder.

I knew my points were expiring soon, so I’ve been working on a piece to submit in French. I finished it today. When I looked at my account I had 899 points. I pasted in my piece, clicked submit and in that time my points had expired. That’s pretty upsetting, as I thought I had another day before my points expired. It actually makes me feel irrationally angry towards LingQ.

Hello , I want to speak English,call me in skype.My skype is justina164.

I wasn’t aware of it. Is this limitation still effective?