A Question & A Suggestion for Future Version

First, even though I’ve been using LingQ for a few years now, I just noticed tonight that under a word (in the right pane when doing a lesson) there are 1 to 4 yellow circles. Do these represent coins, frequency, etc?

Second, for the new version coming out some day, would it be possible to implement an SRS feature for each lesson? We are already implementing SRS with each word/LingQ, but through different courses of study (like for my CPA license) I’ve found that it is good to establish an SRS pattern for entire lessons. I can envision that once you complete a lesson, you are asked if you’d like to schedule increasingly spaced-out reminders (via email or push notification) to do that lesson again, or if you’d like to decline setting up an SRS schedule for that lesson.

I don’t know about you guys, but I’d really like to see that implemented. You can always set up a spreadsheet or something else to set a re-study schedule, but it would be great if the system did that for us.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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I think that’s a great idea!

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Thanks for your suggestion and feedback. We’ll see what we can do in the upcoming update.

Regarding the coins, LingQ rewards you for learning and knowing words. When you create a LingQ or make a word known you earn coins. The number of coins you earn depends on the value of the word. The most common words are considered more valuable and are worth four coins. The less common a word is, the fewer coins you will earn. The number of coins each word is worth is shown under the word in the dictionary panel.

If you make a word known, you earn 5X its value. Creating a LingQ earns you 1X the word’s value. Increasing the status of a word earns you 1X coins per status increase until a word becomes known (:heavy_check_mark:). That means you can earn a maximum of 20 coins for the most valuable words and 5 coins for 1 coin words.

Your suggestion is interesting and probably something I would enjoy trying out. However, it begs the question of whether it is worth our time to review lessons we’ve already read. From your post, it seems you have found this practice to be useful. It’s also something I thought I would do when I started using LingQ three months ago. But actually, I don’t think I’ve re-read more than a couple lessons. I am always more interested in reading something new. And since the most common words and patterns come up again and again, I don’t have the feeling that things I’ve learned once, and invariably forgotten, will never be learned again. In fact, seeing these words and patterns in new contexts seems to reinforce them better, as I see more facets of them. I am not sure which approach is better; it probably varies among learners or among stages of the learning process. But the question may have some bearing on whether the developers pursue this idea, I would guess…