A problem with editing

I like the new interface, am on the way of getting used to it.
But I have a problem with editing lessons that I imported.
When I click on Edit lesson I see that the text that I imported is by Lingq devided into paragraphs. Between each paragraph there is in bolt letters the word PARAGRAPH.
A sentence of my text can be broken, especially when it is a text imported from Youtube. One part of the sentence is in a paragraph, the other part of the sentence is in the following paragraph. My problem is that I cannot make the sentence whole again.
It is possible to remove the word PARAGRAPH, the parts of the broken sentence are then in one paragraph, but I cannot join the two parts in order to make them into one whole.
What can I do about this ?
And what is the use of this word PARAGRAPH in the text that I imported?

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I’ve just come across this behaviour too.

It appears that any newline character (unix-style or windows-style, I’ve tried both) are interpreted as the beginning of a new paragraph. This is a feature not a bug, I suppose :wink: Paragraphs are of use to those who take the time to structure their imports, add comments, translations, start/end of audio segments, etc… .

I have never really paid much attention to this, because I only import text in really big chunks and immediately binge-read them. If memory serves right, the import previously ignored newlines and would only break texts into paragraphs if an empty line was encountered. This appears to have changed.

My workaround is to replace every newline character with a space. This gives me one very long line of text which is then imported as one large paragraph. This is OK for me, because I’ve given up on structuring imported texts a long time ago. It just distracts me from absorbing yet more text.

Under Windows I suppose this might be achieved with editors like notepad++ . Under linux/unix and likely Mac this is a one-liner on the commandline:
tr “\n” " " < input.txt > output.txt
(for text with windows newlines: tr “\n\r” " " < input.txt > output.txt )

Hope this was of some help and did not add any further confusion.



Thank you, Holger!
But I hope that Zoran and the developpers will pay attention to this problem and bring back the possibility of editing the imported text without problems, as it was in LINGQ 4!


Hi Ben,

Holgerb has posted one workaround for this issue. Alternatively, you should be able to just copy paste one group of words into the paragraph of another sentence. If you have a ton of edits to make in a particular lesson, you can click “Regenerate lesson” on the left side of the page to get rid of the sentence and paragraph divisions and simply see all the texts together. Then, you can quickly make any changes you want.

The root issue here is that the sentences you imported are improperly broken up - where are you getting the text from? Normally our importer does a pretty good job of dividing up a lesson into sentences, but it only functions as well as the original document you are importing.


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Can anyone tell me what the current maximum file size is?
I thought it was 4K words per file, but if I import a file of 4K words it gets split into two files on the new update.

It is now 2k words.


Thanks for the information, North! I’ll try Regenerate.
I am getting texts a.o. from Youtube videos, and they often have automatically generated subtitles, which can cause the sentences to be broken up.

It did not happen in the previous version.
I have imported the same pdf on both versions and this one just messed up my text.

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