A problem with a dictionary

Hello, I’ve encountered a problem trying to create a new word entry for abbreviation “i.e.” in my dictionary. Despite all my efforts, this entry automatically become “i” and I can’t change it to “i.e.” Is it a technical problem or maybe it just doesn’t work in my particular case?

Dots are not an allowed part of a term.

Too bad. For me, it reduces the usefulness of the dictionary.
Anyway, thanks for your comment.

I suppose by this point you’ve already learned what “i.e.” means :slight_smile:

Sure I have, but there are so many other abbreviations in English and other languages…

I am posting the following from about.com. Then I will use our bookmarklet to import it into LingQ. Then I will save some of the terms with periods. Then I will try to edit the saved term to allow the period. We will see if it works. BTW Dmitry, I still remember fondly our spaghetti in your apartment in Moscow and your dog. How was your holiday in Ecuador?

The Latin abbreviations “i.e.” and “e.g.” come up very frequently in writing and would probably come up more often if people were more sure of when it is right to use “i.e.” and when “e.g.” is required. To me, the only way to figure it out is to know what they stand for.
“I.e.” stands simply for “that is,” which written out fully in Latin is ‘id est’. “I.e.” is used in place of “in other words,” or “it/that is.” It specifies or makes more clear.
“E.g.” means “for example” and comes from the Latin expression exempli gratia, “for the sake of an example,” with the noun exemplum in the genitive (possessive case) to go with gratia in the ablative (prepositional case). “E.g.” is used in expressions similar to “including,” when you are not intending to list everything that is being discussed.
Examples of i.e. and e.g.:

1. Places to Concentrate:
I.E. (Id Est)

    I'm going to the place where I work best, i.e., the coffee shop.

    [There is only one place that I am claiming is best for my work. By using "i.e.", I am telling you I am about to specify it.]

E.G. (Exempli Gratia)

    At the places where I work well, e.g., Starbucks, I have none of the distractions I have at home.

    [There are lots of coffee shops I like, but Starbucks is the only international one, so it's the only "example" that would work.]

You are right. I cannot get it to work. I can change the saved Term to i.e. but it does not save in the system. Few things in this world are ever quite the way we would like them to be.

Just a bit of info from the UK: it has become more and more common to drop the “.” in, say, Mr and Mrs, ie, eg, etc. Much easier!