A little encouragement

Just to offer a little encouragement to anyone who has just started trying to learn a language on lingQ and may be feeling a little discouraged, I thought I’d share my first feeling of “success”.

When I first joined I felt overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start and what content to look at on the site. However I love to read fiction…romance novels in particular so I decided to download a cheap one with the Kindle app. I struggled through every other word so much that I got frustrated and stopped reading. I went a few weeks being dedicated to LingQ and then life would take over or I’d get lazy and not do as much. Then I’d force myself to start back again…reading stories here on lingQ, listening to them several times and creating new lingQ. I just started reading the book again and I am understanding most of what I’m reading! It’s so exciting to know that this is actually working. I still have to look up a few words but not so much that I can’t actually progress and follow the story.

Just wanted anyone who was feeling a little discouraged to know that if you put in the time…you will get results. When I spend a good week being dedicated to studying I notice an immediate difference.

And finding content you like is key! I can’t stress that enough. I’ve even started watching videos on youTube in Spanish on makeup and cooking because those topics interest me. I also read short stories here on lingQ because I love to read fiction and I WANT to read this type of material. It’s entertaining for me even as I am learning.

So please find content you like…it makes a big difference.


I wish there were gardening podcasts in german, Which I would go for at a quick pace.


“gardening podcasts in german”


I really like how a person can search for almost any concept and find learning material on the subject. It really keeps learning fun. I also like how there is complete control by the the user. If I don’t want to do any language learning today, I don’t have to. But the best part is not worrying about failing the class if you don’t understand a certain concept. It is magnificent.