A hypothetical situation

You were born six years ago. Your are always in a room. But there is no one in the room, and nobody speaks to you. Someone, without speaking anything, feeds you if you begin to cry. There is a big screen on the wall, and you always listen to the sound of the prerecorded videos shown on the screen.

Do you think that you can speak any language?

You are scaring me.

Not enough data, but the answer is most likely no, as the chile would lack other crucial stimuli necessary for its development. The child will certainly lack socialization skills, motor skills, and its subsequent adaptation may prove to be next to impossible.

You should do some research in the area of linguistics and cognitive science. Also, read up on feral children.

You are scaring me. [2]

The forbidden experiment…with a twist.

This brings to mind those Roumanian orphanages of the 1990s…

There is a highly dissected case of this exact scenario, but twice as many years. If you have taken Psychology, you know about Genie, the feral child. She became adept at nonverbal communication skills but it was very difficult for her to learn how to speak. Google Genie the feral child if you want more information…

The brain needs rich stimulus, the richer the stimulus, the more the brain learns.

His brain might think that what is missing in his room is something that is related to “interaction.”

If there had been no responses to my posts on LingQ forums, I had not tried to improve my English. There are a lot of brilliant people at LingQ, and I have been enjoying “interacting” with them. I appreciate your responses to my posts. My brain enjoys reading your posts. I thank you on behalf of my brain.

George Herbert Mead George Herbert Mead - Wikipedia

We would have to take what we know from feral children for your example. The problem is that such a situation would cause incredible developmental damage. I think it is highly unlikely that the child would develop any communicative skills from the videos. However, if the child was rescued at the age of 6, I think it would stand a decent chance of going on to develop communicative and functional abilities.