A crazy idea for the writing exchange

Hi all,

I wonder if it would be possible to add some form of code to the writing exchange so that when people correct one another’s writing, they can distinguish between 1) What the person wrote was incorrect, 2) What the person wrote was not exactly incorrect but it seems awkward/here’s another suggestion for how to say it, and 3) More advanced suggestions for nuances.

Who’s with me? Would that be doable and/or helpful?


When I correct a text I usually add such information where neccessary, which is rarely the case. Others seem to deal with this the same way. So I am not sure whether such an addition is really neccessary.

Btw.: “Who’s with me?” sounds a bit like you are planning to storm the Bastille, not suggesting a minor interface change :joy: But I am no native, so it might be just me.


:joy: :rofl:

Well, I thought I’d start with a request for a feature and if that doesn’t work at least we already have the troops together to storm the Bastille


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Well dude It sounds crazyly good It will avoid buchn of mistakes in the futures writtings

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