A comprehensive book on Japanese grammar?

I know that exposing yourself to the language through reading and listening should be top priority, and I always strive to do that. But I think we can all agree that learning some grammar on the side is necessary. I think my grammar is pretty strong, but I know I have gaps, and what I do know could use some solidifying as well. I’m looking for a book that would serve me as a comprehensive grammar guide. I’d like something that contains every possible grammatical structure (or close to that), with good explanations and and examples.
I know there’s a ton of stuff on the internet, but I’d like something I can read through while I’m not on the computer. (also, the “I bought this, so I’m gonna read it, damn it” factor is pretty good motivation)
I’ve been looking at what’s available online, but I’d like to have some recommendations from someone with more experience.
Any tips would be appreciated.

I think this guide’s quite complete. You can use it online for free or buy a paperback version through Amazon (link provided):

Thanks. So have you tried it? How is it?

Well, I don’t know much Japanese but I was interested in the language for some time. Learned the basics, the kanas, a few kanjis and began reading about it. I’m interested in grammar in general (very nerdy, I know) and I often had doubts. I found that this guide answered quite comprehensively all those doubts, so I think it’s complete and also clear and it provides a lot of examples. Have a look at the online version for a while, so you can decide whether the book’s worth purchasing.
I wish you success.

Will do.Thanks.

There is a shared Anki deck covering Tae Kim grammar too. Tae - AnkiWeb NIce to have if you have a smartphone and you want to study during “dead time” throughout the day. (Personally I like my dead time too much :wink:

I’m in the middle of the second volume. My advice is : don’t hesitate.