911 Calls

Today I found the item " 911 Calls " in the English library and opened it. I like the site of this provider named California Distance Learning Project(CDLP). There are many short contents with audio. English is not so difficult, becuase those contents were written for English learners.
I like the voice of the narrators. I think that professional narrators recorded the audio.

I’m very happy to find the item here at LingQ. I was thinking to ask CDLP permission to use their items here at LingQ. I don’t know who asked the permission of 911 Calls. Anyway if they can give the permission to share other contents in CDLP, those would be good items for upper beginners or intermediate members.


I am glad you enjoyed this content. I do not know who loaded it up but if o could contact CDLP and ask for permission that would be great. You should point out that you have imported it for your own use, and would like to share it others, giving full credit and a link to CDLP. Would they allow this?

I am traveling and will check in from time to time to see how you make out.


I’ve asked and here is the answer:

Hi Vera,
Thank you so much for your message. It’s good to know that people around the world are making use of the CDLP Web site. Unfortunately, our agreement with the television station that provides the news stories does now allow us to put the content anywhere else than the CDLP Web site.
All the best,

Unfortunately it is not allowed to share content from CDLP.

Thanks, Vera.
I’m sorry to hear that. I can visit their web site and enjoy the stories.
I like to listen to the professional reading with low tone.
I wish I could find the items with low and good voice and narration in LingQ English library. The narraters in VOA special English speak with good voice, but they speak too slow.


We have a great variety of content in our Library. However, you may find other sources that you prefer. That is what the Import function is for.

My own preference in language learning is for content spoken by normal people, i.e. not professionals.

However, it is important that learners find the kind of content and voice that they like. If you find good content like 911, please continue to let other members know. They can import and use this content even if it cannot be shared.