90 Days of Major Germinization

Day 4

Today I was able to do my complete schedule once again of going on lingq and memrise! I spent an additional 10 minutes of listening towards “Steves Videos über Sprachenlernsysteme und seine Tipps für Anfänger” made by Vera! I also enjoyed reading this transcript twice: First read was to look up some of the words and try to learn them, and the second was for practice and pure enjoyment.
I glanced at my Living Language Conversational book for some little basic grammar review. I do this every so often to lightly memorize the grammar in small bits, and so far I’m getting a hang of the grammar bit by bit.

Days 5-10

I’m extending days between each progress update posts.

During these days, I’ve been listening and reading more. I’m quiet enjoying my podcasts. I’ve changed the way I listen, and I started to listen more away from the computer. I didn’t have an MP3 player, so during last week I had ordered one. I’m listening while in my Garden and during my cycling exercises. I’m very happy to have bought an MP3 player.

While I had increased my listening and reading times, I have also increase a little bit of the time I use memrise. I have gone through a good bit of words, and I would like to learn more words. This is why I will try harder this up-coming week to learn more than double of words that I learned last week.

I’d like to give a quick shout out to Esko_Yera.

I hope that you will enjoy Berlin, and I wish that you will have a fantastic time with all the historic monuments.

Good luck Ozzy, what helps me the most is keeping things fresh and like Steve say’s listening to content that interests you. Also it helps to find friends in Germany to talk too. I go to italki.com to find language partners and talk on skype, email, or even text on WhatsApp. Also I go to lots of different websites for learning to keep it fresh. Im at a B1 level now so I can actually get into some content that normal Germans enjoy which is a lot nicer than boring beginner content. If you’re at about intermediate you might also like zeit.de or welt.de for reading. They have a lot of interesting articles in my opinion. I also have a blog where I basically just post resources for learning German because my bookmark folder was getting too big and I figured I could help other learners so you can check that out too if you want. fungermanlearning.,tumblr.com
Viel Erfolg!

Danke logan für deiner kommentar! I haven’t really focusing on the active skills, but I think that I should work on it. I’ve been reading articles and listening to some podcasts from Gesellschaft . I’ve finally reached intermediate level, this is what lingq tells me, so I’ll enjoy more of the mass media like deutchlandfunk. The other two news sites seem very interesting, so I’ll go and explore to find the good articles for me.

Thanks OzzyHellBack for this link. I like listening to radio podcasts but they often don’t have transcripts, so this is great. If you want to listen to more mass media, I’m enjoying watching things from the ARD channel:

I like how’s there’s such a variety formats, topics, and lengths. Occasionally, some of the programs even have German subtitles.

Debbielim, I can think you gave me my Birthday gift super early! I will have lots of fun watching these television shows. Thank you very much! =D

Days 11-18

I’ve reached Intermediate Level on Lingq German. Hoorrrraaaayyyy!

I’m listening and reading to multiple podcasts that I have downloaded here on Lingq and Deutschlandfunk. I’ve been listening to them all day long, and reading in the morning and at night. I changed content every 3 days, or until I go bored with the chosen content.

I was once again struck with the Wander Lust Syndrome, and I got into Italian. Since this language is related to French, I progressed quickly in this fantastic language. I use only 30 minutes per day, while I stay with German the rest of the day.

I spoke to my dad in German, for about 5 minutes until I had to switch to French. In those little five minutes it seemed that time had slowed, while I was trying to search for the words I had learned. It was very painful, but yet necessary for successful use of the language. I think that I had reached one of my goals, which was speak German to my dad who also learned it a long time ago.

Enjoy! I’ve become a bit addicted and watch a little something every day. Congrats on reaching intermediate too - I think we both must have hit the 2000 around the same time!