90 day challenge


Where has the 90 the challenge gone? http://www.lingq.com/90daychallenge/ I want to try French again - for the third time, but I am not able to sign up.


I have the same question. It just disappeared from my LingQ as well, after I finished with my 90 days English challenge.

I joined it the other day. It’s hidden. Hover over “exchange” in the top right of your screen (while French is your selected language) and click on “challenges.”
This should take you to a page where you can see the rolling 90 day challenge.

I’d also like to personally challenge you to a French competition with me. You seem to have a 9000 word head start on me, so we’ll see how this goes. Whoever speaks the best French by August 31 wins? Let me know what you think.

From now on, you can find Challenges (including 90-Day) under Exchange tab at the top right.

What is the difference between these:

I wasn’t aware of the second link until following your instructions about the Exchange tab. Then 2 challenges were displayed for Esperanto.

Hi Greg.
Monthly 90-Day Challenge is our new challenge and it will start on 1st day, every month (1 june, 1 july etc…) and for those who meet the targets, we will have special badges designed for each month.
You will be able to join the challenge any time during the month (for example, you will be able to join June challenge until the end of June). On the 1st of the next month a new challenge will be added.

More great challenges coming soon!


If you join in the middle of the month, will the stats you have accumulated so far that month (before you signed up) be counted toward completing the challenge?

Hi Zoran,

I still don’t understand what the difference is between those 2 challenges. I just confirmed that it’s possible to join the monthly90days challenge while still participating in the “rolling” ninety_days challenge. Of course 2 challenges at the same time is biting off more than I can chew.

So what is the difference between these 2 challenges, other than starting date? Will the rolling challenge be retired when it completes, and then monthly90days challenges be the sole offering?

Yes, if you join in the middle of the month, your stats will include your stats since June 1. The challenge period is fixed and all your activity during that period is attributed to the challenge.

The rolling challenge is the previous challenge which had a rolling start date depending on when you joined. This challenge can no longer be joined. However, if the 90-day period for your rolling challenge is still open, it will continue to be listed in your Active Challenges list. At the same time, you can sign up for the new June 90-day challenge. You can be in both challenges at the same time and they will track independently of each other. You do get credit for your activity in both challenges so maybe it’s worth it after all!

Excellent! Thank you Mark. I’d offer more profuse thanks but I’ve got 2 challenges going.

It’s off-topic, but today I noticed we’re automatically enrolled in the 1,000 word challenge if we start a new language…

It also applies when people randomly click on a forum lesson link eg. when I went to an English lesson to help someone out, not only was I now “studying” English, but enrolled in the English 1,000 word challenge, as per the notice on my wall. Haha! :slight_smile:

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That may need some adjustment… I don’t think it’s supposed to work quite that way. Thanks for the heads up.

Are the challenge badges private? I see mine, but I don’t see any on the profile pages of my various friends who have also completed the first 90-Day challenge.


Good catch! We’ll get those to display for all profiles.

It seems it was (maybe is) impossible to decline the 1000 word challenge. I had no plans to accept it for Latin but I had to complete it :slight_smile:
Than I tried to check out what would happen with Spanish, how may I decline the challenge. No chance, I had to complete it as well :slight_smile:

By the way, when is the deadline? I feel I cannot learn so much Chinese words so quickly.

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1000 words challenge starts automatically when you reach 5 known words for studying language.
There is no time-limit, and challenge will be completed once when you reach 1000 known words.

The Japanese 90 Day Challenge from June to August has also disappeared.
It´s not in my “past challenges” nor did I get the 90 day challenge hat associated with getting first place. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry about that kimojima and Troglodytus! We should have those issues resolved in the next few days. Thanks for your patience. We will get everything restored.