90-Day Challenge Updates


I made a comic YouTube video about my 90-Day Challenge in French called “LingQ 90-Day Challenge: Steve Kaufmann Impression.” LingQ 90-Day Challenge: Steve Kaufmann Impression - YouTube

I found myself wishing that Steve Kaufmann were doing a 90-day challenge at the same time as me, so I decided to do an impression of Steve to try to get people excited and to share their experiences. Hopefully Steve has a good sense of humor…

I think it would be fun if people posted links to their blog posts or videos about their challenges to promote LingQ and to inspire each other. It definitely inspires me when I see that someone is LingQ-ing away on the Stats page.

I uploaded a transcript to the video, so you should be able to study it in LingQ!

Study away,



Haha, this is awesome.

Thank you! I hope the admiration came through, and I hope people post progress updates!