90 day challenge - RESULTS

Out of curiosity, is there anyone here who was involved in the last 90 Day challenge. I would like to know what your results were. Did you stick at it, how long did you put in daily, did you meet your target, what improvements did you achieve.



Was there another 90-Day challenge before? I was never aware of any…

I think so, otherwise I’ve just made a fool of myself :wink:

This is the first (but hope not the last) 90-Day Challenge at LingQ :slight_smile:

Oh right, i thought I saw something similar a year ago. Suppose i should delee te thread then :frowning:

Yes, Iri, you are absolutely right :slight_smile: But this year Challenge is kind of new, with more interactivity, Steve’s daily vlog, email updates, etc. Hope you will enjoy it and succeed in your languages!

Cheers Iri, i thought i was going mad :slight_smile:



So my initial question still stands for anyone that participated …