90-Day Challenge Goals

My goal is to really improve my listening skills in Korean , i think this is the area that holds me back from really breaking through. I commute for 3.5 hrs a day and can use most of that time for listening, i’m using a mixture of kpop and stuff from TTMIK for now and will hopefully progress onto other stuff as I find it…

Good luck all.

I’m going to do Spanish. I plan on getting my known words to 2,500. and get a lot more LingQ’s. 2,500 again. And spend about 30 minutes to an hour a day on it.

My goal is a little of an undertaking, but in order to get into many doctoral history programs one must have knowledge of various languages, and I am using Lingq to do this. I find it to be cheaper than going back to school to be taught by a teacher. I am trying to learn German, Latin, French, Italian, and perfect my Spanish. I have had 6 years of spanish, so my spanish is at a higher level than the others. I hope to within the 90 days be out of the beginner stage in all of these languages, and be in the confident enough to maybe start speaking some with native speakers of the language.

For these doctoral history programs, am I right in thinking that you only really need to be able to read the languages that you are meant to know? If so, LingQ is perfect.

I spoke to a professor about this recently. He has a doctorate in literary theory. His program just required him to be able to read French, German, and Italian. He admitted that the standards were really low, and that he can not hold a conversation in any of these languages. I think the language you are required to know will be entirely based on your area of research. If you’re studying the history of New France, then you should be able to read the diary entries of Jesuit explorers written in French. If you’re studying the Watergate scandal, I don’t see what good Latin, or really any language other than English, would be for you… I suppose if you want to look at global media interpretations?

There is reading and reading. If a person can work their way through some obscure academic text, with a lot of help from dictionaries, well enough to write an academic paper, that will help the person acquire fluency. However, if the same person can read for pleasure, and reads on a variety of subjects, including novels and other lighter reading, then this will help more towards fluency. Ultimately, however, one has to speak and speak a lot to achieve fluency. Reading is a great way to prepare for real encounters in the language. Good luck to all.

How is your 90-Day Challenge so far? We are in week 4 already! Take a look at the Challenge stats and some inspiring stories from the LingQers:


Now…if only they used photo-shop on my mole! Hehe.

I have a question: When in fact will we get to see the 90-Day Challenge option (as shown in the newsletter) under our Snapshots? Just wondering…

Nobody would have ever noticed it if you had not just posted this!

Good thing I’d plucked the hairs… :)~

Yeh, yeh, aussies have a sick sense of humour ^^


I am able to see it on mine, it is the last option on the drop down menu.

Ohhhhhhhhhh! You mean I have to scroll down to see it! hahahahaha!

@Julz611 - you always make me smile, and I really like your smile! :slight_smile: and yep, you should be able to see the 90-day challenge option, it is the last in your dropdown list.

Aww, thanks, found it already, thanks to Chase (Le_Jr). Good to hear I’m entertaining people:)~ Somebody pass me a strong coffee, please (white, 1 sugar).

Yes! We are now almost a third of the way through our 90-Day Challenge!



Are there plans for this to be a regular thing? I wasn’t able to take part this time around, but if it restarts in 60 days I should be ready for it!

@Davidjvl - Why not? We will see how it goes, and will probably start a new challenge! Thanks for your interest!

I’m a bit miffed that I missed this challenge by a couple of weeks, although with a new job and other commitments it would’ve been difficult (not impossible, though).

Is there likely to be another challenge sometime this year? I’ll gladly partake and even try to top the scoreboard!

@Chris - Sounds good! No promises so far, but we are thinking about something similar and challenging :slight_smile:

The 365 Day Challenge :smiley:

Why, I might just get on board!