500 - Server error

Repeat the following steps:

1: Go to this URL : Login - LingQ
2: In the search box type: hugo

The result is the following URL: Login - LingQ

Which in turn results in a 500 - Server error

I am unable to replicate this in Chrome. I type “hugo” in the search box and get 3 pages of lessons. I can choose a Course, like Les Miserables and start studying.

I am using Chrome too, and just retested, and still get the 500 - Server error.

Simply clicking on this link causes the same problem : Login - LingQ

@AnthonyLauder - Strange, as I’m able to click the link just fine as well… We’ll have to take a closer look to figure out why this might be happening.

No problems here (Chrome on Mac).

A bit more info on my set-up in case it helps:

I am running Windows 7 on a laptop.

With both an older version of Chrome and now with very latest version of Chrome (updated today) I get this 500 - Server error.

As a test, I installed the latest versions of Firefox and Opera browsers, and the link works perfectly well with both of them. So, I am only having a problem when using Chrome (which is actually the only browser I ever use).

Maybe clearing the cache helps?

I found a solution to the problem. I simply logged out of my LingQ account and logged back in again. Now it works just fine (no 500 error).

@AnthonyLauder - Well, not sure why that was happening but I’m glad it works now.