500 Server error

I tried to view the schedule for speaking, but every time I click on Speak, “500 Server error” appears. It started yesterday. I waited until this morning, hoping that thing would be normal, but the problem persists. Am I the only one experiencing it?

Same hier. I’d like to go back to yesterday’s conversations so that I can type and send reports. After clicking on the Speak tag, “500 - Server error” is displayed on my screen.

I do not have this problem however, there are issues with the recent changes and I am sure that we will have most of them fixed quite quickly. In the meantime I found that refreshing a few times cleared up quite a few problems.

This is a strange bug. I’m not sure it has to do with our update since we made no changes to this page. Are you both still experiencing this issue? Which language are you in? What is the interface language you are in?

Hi Mark,
I tried in the french, German and English interfaces. I also try with Firefox and Google. I always get the same error message.

In addition, I tried with the common count I share with Marguerite (Margopel) and guess what?.. same problem :frowning:

Thanks for the additional info, Serge. We’re looking into it now.

Hi, unfortunately I have the same problem…when trying to click on “Join Conversation”, the page “500 - Server error” appears. I have tried it in:

  • Internet Explorer 8
  • Firefox Mozilla 8.0.1
  • Google Chrome 16.0.912.63

Same problem for me.

Same problem for me.

I’m having the same problem too. Moments ago I tried to sign up for a French conversation.

Edit: By the way, the interface language I use is French.

It seems to be a global problem for now. I checked both IE8 and Firefox.

Hi again,
I did a following test:
I tried to click on “Join Conversation” when using 3 accounts from the same computer, same browser,same language.
Result: TheDoctor - 500 Server error, others two accounts - OKAY

I tried to clean everything - cache, cookies… by using Ccleaner and tried it again. It did not help. There is the same problem. If you want, you can test it with my nickname from your computer.

We have established that there is a problem, we are looking at how to solve it.

Steve, I do not doubt :slight_smile: I only wanted to give some informations to bugfixers (each information is good for them)

Hi everyone, this morning it works!!!
Thanks a lot for the great job :slight_smile:

hi there, it works for me too…thank you for the bugfix :slight_smile:

Thanks! I works! :slight_smile:

I’m getting a 500 server error when I try to open my own uploaded content.

Glad to hear it’s now working for all of you :smiley:

@alexzoo - I responded to your email asking for a few more details (e.g. whether it’s all imported lessons or just one and if you could send me the URL to the lesson).