500 Server error

Bandit, is this error still happening to you?

Sorry for not coming back earlier - it’s holidays here so hadn’t been in my office for 3 days… But just checked now and yes, it does exactly the same.

I tried logging out/in, deleting cookies, hard page refresh etc. but always the same - as soon as I click on yes to the check box about deleting a word I get 500 Server error.

Hi Bandit,

We’ll try and figure this out. Give us a few days.

By the way, do you get this error if you try and delete multiple words or only for a single word?

Just tried 1 word & 2 words - both give the same Server error.

Bandit, do you have some kind of security program installed?

Nothing special. Firewall, antivirus

Configuration is this - adsl to 2 wire modem/router/firewall. On the internal network I have a couple of servers win2003 & Linux & a few PC’s. I’ve tried deleting words from the vocabulary tab & on one PC it works fine with IE7 & FF2 & on the other it only works in IE7 it is Firefox that gives this 500 server error.

Both PC’s are more or less the same in terms of OS, FF, addons, firewall etc. They have different Antivirus software but I’ve tried with antivirus turned off also with firewall off, FF addons disabled. The fault is very consistent - the page that it loads is Login - LingQ with 500 - server error. I suppose I should have tried it before but it also gives this 500 - server error if I try to change the word status level +1, -1 or 4.

It’s easy for me to work round the problem by using the other PC or IE but it would be good to find the cause because others might well have the same issue.

This is the same thing I have been talking about since I started using LingQ. I have never been able to move a LingQ up or down, or delete it.

OK - I’ve found the cause… With FF I have an addon installed ‘Web Developer’ (I do a bit of development work now & again - well worth using Mark, if you don’t already). There is the option to ‘Disable Referrers’ & that was what was causing the 500 error.

The problem didn’t show itself because if you disable the addon I would have expected FF to behave as if the addon wasn’t there… but it seems it carries on with what ever preferences you had before you disabled it. Hence even with it disable you still weren’t getting referrers.

Anyway, sorted, thanks for your patience. It may be worth adding some code to pick up this type of problem.

Bandit, that’s great that you found the source of your problem! Jeff, do you by any chance have the same addon or something similar installed on your browser. We will look into this to try and prevent this from happening in the future.

Not that I can think of, no. I use IE 6.0/XP but can check at work if the problem still occurs (I think it’s IE 7.0 there).

Good news - no problem at work. (IE 7.0)

I am facing 500 Server error when I try to reserve speaking sessions. Last time in December, it was all right. won’t you look into?


We will look into this right away. Can you tell me which browser you are using? Can you also tell me which conversation you are trying to sign up for?

firefox2, firefox3, tried also with IE. I am trying to sign up for steve’s satday session. the same error happens to selecting allison’s slot too.

I tried today just 5 minutes ago. cleared all firefox cache, cookies etc and tried again but got the same error.

We think we have it figured out. It was related to a translation issue. You can probably sign up in English. We are working on it and hope to have it resolved later today.

Hi ymmtny,

Please try again now. It should be working.

It worked well. thank you.