500 - Server error - Library

I get the “500 - Server error” message when I want to go to the Library in my English slot. For other languages, it works. Any known bugs on that?

Hi! Same for me. I can’t access my English library!

Exodus, this must be the wind of change. It is time for us to start learning a new language until this bug gets fixed :slight_smile:

I get the same error message when I want to visit my Profile page.

We need help. Someone knows the Steve’s phone? :slight_smile:

I am sure somebody has already seen this thread and is working on it. Or at least thinking about it :slight_smile:

Let’s be patient.

Let’s be а vigilant patient :wink: And thankful of course.

Sorry guys, we are trying to figure this out. We’ll let you know when we have more news.

Imyirtseshem, not reporting it does not solve the issue either, unfortunately.

Mark, thanks.

Anyway, both Library and Profile page works now.

Thanks a lot.

Yes, those issues have been resolved now. Thanks for your patience!