3/6/2021 composition

This is to dedicate to Moses McCormick. What a legend.

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Yo también lamento la muerte tan imprevista de Moses. Era una persona de gran talento y un fabuloso comunicador.
Con respecto a tu post, permĂ­teme que te diga que, aunque la idea es buena, has cometido varios fallos y alguna de las frases no es ni siquiera comprensible. Cometer errores es bueno, por supuesto pero yo te recomendarĂ­a presentar tus posts en el sistema de correcciĂłn de Lingq. Siempre hay nativos dispuestos a mejorar los escritos que se presentan y de esa forma podrĂ­as tanto progresar en el idioma como aumentar la calidad de tu blog, que en general presenta ideas muy interesantes.

Usted hace ideas buenas. Yo mandaré mis compiciones en LingQ para las correciones.

I understood most of what you said Francisco. In a way, you are like a mentor to me. Gracias.

I’m glad it helped. I have provided my own correction.
Btw, feel free to include the vocabulary list that you provide as part of the text to be corrected.
It is a great idea to offer such a glossary as part of your blog post, and I think it could also benefit from the input by Lingq users.
One example, you have
confidence = confidencia
It’s an interesting case of a false friend. Usually we would say “confianza” for “confidence”.
“Confidencia”, on the other hand, is something private that you share with someone else, usually with the understanding that the second person will keep it secret (something you tell “in confidence”).
“Juan le hizo una confidencia a María”.
And “un confidente” (noun!) is someone you trust enough to share delicate matters with, not someone “confident” :slight_smile:

Wow! I never learned these subtle differences in school. Your input is very useful Francisco.

“Confidencia” is like “confidential”.

Yes, “confidential” is just like “confidencial” in Spanish, which is the adjective derived from “confidencia”. In English you also have “confide in someone”, in this sense.