12 months of non-stop nonsense and

Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication…


‘No collusion. No obstruction. Comey’s a leaker’

If, after Comey testimony, you still believe the #TrumpRussia conspiracy theory then you’re either: https://twitter.com/dbongino/status/872986632688939008

12 months of nonstop nonsense and spamming of the forums → Yutaka-spam, xuanfu, useablefiber…

Please keep telling us all again how Putin forced US voters to vote for Trump…

Shameful. Spineless. Disgusting. Nonsense.

Literally it’s been admitted by Vox and CNN and other fake media sites that Putin had no direct affect. Sure there were some Russians that were rooting for Trump, but how does that mean anything?? There was no ‘hacking’. I agree with you. Have a great day!

Trump Assassination Play Is Sponsored By The New York Times.


NYT largest shareholder → is a major donor to the Clinton foundation.

Yet we get to have non-stop spamming of the NYT to the forums by a moderator?

Shameful. Spineless. Disgusting. Nonsense.

It has to be said.

If Fox sponsored an assassination play of Obama - what would be the response?

“Literally it’s been admitted by Vox and CNN and other fake media sites that Putin had no direct affect.”

Please cite your sources.

Does not Trump = collusion and obstruction?

Comey got him. Otherwise, why is there this thread? Comey’s testimony is now on permanent public record and will be read for generations.

iaing, Oxygen, we are gonna have a nice, peaceful world: no plastic in the ocean, no gasoline fumes in the air, no pesticides in the creek…

It’s like we’re at a children’s party. A narcissist clown has entered the room. He is bigger than everyone else, except for his hands.

He has no good toys. No true words.

How long do you think the children will tolerate this?

CNN fake news and CNN backtracking:


The actual real news not reported by CNN:

Comey admits under oath Trump was never under FBI investigation.

How many times was Clinton under FBI investigation?

How many times were we told on Lingq that Trump was under investigation?

I just wrote this very nice response, and i tried to copy and pasted instead. I am furious. I’ll get back when I can focus.



All depends on how the covfefe is made.

complete vindication? lol

Very true.

The biggest problem for those who keep hyping the “Trump-Russia” scandal is their answer to the old Wendy’s commercial asking, “Where’s the beef?”

Honestly, we know that the NSA and CIA and whoever else can monitor every word every Russian says to an American and vice versa. And we know the contents of these discussions get leaked everywhere, including the media (eg Flynn). Even Trump’s own white house leaks like a sieve (that he was talking to the Russian ambassador about how to fight ISIS better).

Yet, despite all this, how horrible must the American FBI be if they can’t find ANYTHING, ANYTHING that even hints at collusion to rig the 2016 election in Trump’s favor?


“Yet, despite all this, how horrible must the American FBI be if they can’t find ANYTHING, ANYTHING that even hints at collusion to rig the 2016 election in Trump’s favor?”

More governmental incompetence. And yet so many people think that the government should take care of everything…

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I don’t know if you were watching the live feed of the the testimony, but he former head of the FBI has accused the president of lying and potentially committing obstruction of justice. (Which brings up an interesting question: Is it still fake news when it’s happening right in front of your eyes?)

The president responded by claiming, that A) Comey lied and B) Comey’s testimony vindicated him. I guess if you have just the right wiring re-patched in your brain, that statement might be something that makes sense.

The independent counsel investigation is just now gearing up, so we’re still at the beginning phase of this, but keep using Trump’s own tweets to make your point. Everyone knows how well thought out and nuanced those intricate missives are.


Today I have learned that Mark Kasowitz, Trump’s lawyer, also represents the Sberbank of Russia in a case in the US. What are the odds that this is a simple coincidence?

Let me be clear that I don’t believe in those Russian conspiracy theories and that no one cares that a country allegedly affected the US presidential elections EXCEPT if it’s Russia, Iran, or one of those “evil” countries. It still is funny to see how careless Trump is.