12-Month Memberships ON SALE

my account expires on March 15, 2012, but I would like to take the current promotion of one year. Can I pay my account now and only expire on March 15, 2013?

@moretj - Yes, you can buy the yearly membership now. It will start at the end of your current membership.


until january 15th

@mark The promo link goes to the address https://www.lingq.com/accounts/account/
but it should go to Login - LingQ
it took me a while to work out how to find that (the link says 6 months, not 12)…

Sorry about that! You’ll notice if you click on “Select” for any membership level you’ll also see an option to purchase a recurring 12-month membership. Both recurring and one-time memberships are discounted until the 15th :slight_smile: