1000 Words

I keep seeing that a LingQ is worth a thousand words, but when I do some LingQ’s my word count isn’t increasing this much.

Can anyone explain this to me?

Hi Leuropeanite,

“A LingQ is worth a thousand words” is a take on the English idiom “A picture is worth a thousand words”. It pops up when lessons are loading sometimes to motivate learners to make LingQs.

The only way your word count will grow is if you mark words as known. Making a LingQ is the first step :slight_smile:

Sorry for the confusion.


Hi! Does it mean that it’s possible to see the number of unique words or do they mean lingqs?

Hi Vivi,

“A LingQ is worth a thousand words” just means that LingQs are important.

If you would like to know the number of unique words (blue words that you have never read in the LingQ system before), look at the bottom left of a lesson in the feed or lesson library. There it will say how many new words there are and what percentage of the lesson they make up. If the percentage is green, that’s a good lesson to try, if it’s orange, it will be a little tough, and if it’s red it will be very tough.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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