
现在我听一些想学中文的朋友说lingq上的中文导师越来越少了,有时候想会话练习都找不到人。 所以希望有更多的中国人能够成为导师多设置一些会话。实际练习对于学习语言是非常重要的,所以我想号召所有在Lingq的中国人能够尽可能的多花点时间在辅导中文上面,这不仅可以帮助别人也可以让大家更了解中国。我自己也会多设置一些会话,所以任何有需要的朋友都可以找我哦,告诉我你们的时间,我会尽量配合,呵呵呵!一起努力!


@mmj1958 - It’s great that you are offering some times for our Chinese learners! Could you possibly add more times? For the rest of the month or for the rest of the month and for May. This will give people a better chance to find a time that is convenient. It is quite easy to add times for a whole month if you just click on the day of the week in the scheduler. This will select that day for the whole month. If you have any questions, just let us know.

I think I can help somebady who what to learn Chinese.but I havn’t upgrated the number,if I can do a teacher?how should I do if I want to help another people who want to learn Chinese?

@shujingzhiyue - If you want to tutor just go to the Speak page and click the Add/Edit Conversations button in the sidebar. Or, read the Speak help page Tutor Help. Then, if you have more questions, you can ask them on the forum here.

Thank you mark. 我非常乐意多花时间在辅导中文上面,你的意思是说让我一次性设定一个月的时间吗?这样大家就可以选择每个星期的星期几同一时间来会话是吗?那么我要怎么做呢?每天的会话时间需要一致吗?

@mark,I have set the schedule in lingq.if someone who want to talk to me ,I’d like to do it .

@mmj1958 - In the calendar if you click on the day of the week at the top say Tuesday, it will select all the Tuesdays in the month, you can also choose all the Wednesdays and Saturdays and then enter the hours you are available. These times will then be made available in your schedule.

ok, I have done it. Thank you.

Katherine, seems like a few people have already grabbed some of your slots. I can only schedule mine in mid-May!

really edwin? but it wasn’t showned, I can’t see.

what about April?

@edwin, mmj - I see times for mmj in April. You can’t see times in the next 12 hours but after that there seem plenty of times available.

我來自台灣 ,很高興有這個討論區, 學習中文 聽說不容易 ,
中國人說 “有緣千里來相會” “教學相長” 各位先進


任何人愿意找我当你们的中文导师我随时奉陪:D just leave a message on my wall about the time that you are available, i will try to adjust the time for you

Hi, I come from Zhengzhou, China. I have been teaching English for 7 years. I’m glad that I can help with your Chinese learning.

可以同你们用中文聊天,我的skype 是yhoo1218

隨時都可以找我,現在努力在學英文中…skype id: diser1020
