
May I know what is the word type of ある in the phrase “興味のある” ?? it is a noun ? Thank you

It seems you may have cut this from a larger sentence.

Consider 興味がある。This can be a full sentence. Depending on context, it could mean I am interested, he is interested, etc.

興味のある cannot be a full sentence on its own. It would be an adjectival phrase when followed by a noun (in this case it would likely be a person) . You could say 野球に興味のある人 to mean “people who are interested in baseball”.

興味がある can also be used like 興味のある. i.e. You can say 野球に興味がある人 and it also means “people who are interested in baseball”.

ある is a verb (to be). Verbs can generally be used in Japanese as adjectives
(例:行く所、買ったもの) and can be used at the end of clauses to make adjectival phrases like this 机の上にある箱. This would probably be translated as “the box on the desk” but grammatically it looks more like “the on-the-desk box”, where “on-the-desk” functions as an adjective.

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Thank you for your explain