新LingQ やりにくい!

僕のマックのスクリーンには幅が広すぎて、全部表示できません。いちいち、ずらしてみるのは面倒です。どうにかしてほしいな。しばらく待ったら、良くなるかな(^_^; まだ出来たばかりだし。一週間後に来てみます。

けんさん,色色迷惑をかけて本当にごめんあさい。.スクリーンの右側のtop cornerの minus sign をクリックしてスクリーンをminimizeして使ってみってください。こうすれば古いLingQの方法で行けるとおもいます。
確かにLingQ 2.0を始まって特定のひとには問題がまだある。それはbrowserによる問題ではないそうですから理由は探しにくいです。出来るだけ早く解決したい。大部分のひとには,私も含めて、主の機能は使えます.
特定のscreen sizeの問題について後でなんかできると思います.とうりあえずminimized viewで使ってみって,また連絡してください。

ほかの人でも問題 あろういは質問があればぜひ報告してください.

Steve! 回答をありがとうございます。でも、「スクリーンの右側のtop cornerの minus sign 」が見つからないのですが(^_^; どこにあるんだろう・・・ また明日探してみます。おやすみなさい。

いくら探しても「スクリーンの右側のtop cornerの minus sign 」が見つからないんですが・・・

Look here (for the top corner minus sign): http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/3008/9jkyurla_png.htm

Thanks guineapig, I was about to do a screenshot in Jing, but your screenshot is great. Is that some kind of screen shot program? Could yo explain how you did this? Danke.

まだ、サーバは重いような気がする。light serverは望ましい。






使用ブラウザ Firefox

Hi Shigeharu,

I will answer in English for the benefit of others.

You reported, if I understand you correctly, that in Chinese and English, not all the words you saved appeared in the yellow list of Saved LingQs in the right hand pane, and that pin yin or other words you added to the hints did not appear in the saved LingQs. You said that you were in Firefox.

I tried LingQing in Chinese and English, Chrome and Firefox and did not experience any problems.

Has anyone else experienced the problems described by Shigeharu.

Shigeharu please comment if I have misunderstood your explanation.

Now that LingQ system is unstable, I have to follow the following procedure.

My browser= Firefox
First, I click all the blue-highlighted words to get yellow-highlighted ones. At this point, it is not necessary to put hints and example sentences in words. Then, I use the vocabulary list for each lesson in order to edit saved ones. I occasionally edit example sentences when they are not complete.

Key point
I use lesson pages and vocabulary list pages to edit sentences or to choose appropriate meanings in dictionaries.

I do not experience any problems LingQing. I LingQ the blue words first. I click Enter to accept the User Hints, or choose the google translate Hint, or go the dictionary to copy and paste a definition as necessary, and then press Enter or click save.

The example sentences are captured automatically. I can edit my phrases or hints at any time, while studying or by going back to the list later. Any editing I do while studying the lesson is saved properly if I hit Enter or click on Save.

While there are some issues and bugs, including the odd sticky LingQ now and again, I do not experience the problems you described, not in Chrome and not in Firefox.

Again, I wonder if anyone else has these problems.

Shigeharu, eugrus, on another thread, reported a problem with Hints not saving right away similar to the problems that you described. We will try to figure out what is happening here. As I said, I do not get this problem, and I create a lot of LingQs, over one thousand a week. However it appears that you and others have this problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Today I tried to save some words. It seems to work well.

We pushed some more fixes today. I think a lot or problems will gradually clear up. But please report it again if it happens again.


この状況は、そのうち改善されるかと、2週間待ってみましたが、今のところ改善されていなく、非常にやりにくいです。横長のワイドスクリーンだったら、問題ないのでしょうが、僕のconventional sized displayではだめです。これは、改善は不可能なのでしょうか?以前のヴァージョンでは、ずっと問題なく表示されていたので残念です。



1)この問題はminimized viewでも起こっていますか?

Kenosaka reports on the forum that when he saves a word, the display in the dashboard is so far to the right that he cannot see it even if he scrolls. He has what he calls a conventional sized display. I will ask him if this is in the minimized view or the standard view. I am not aware of anyone else reporting this problem. Are you? Any thoughts?


Ken-san, Screenshot 送ってけれますか?

Steve, sorry to be late. I just came back home now. OK, I’ll send you a video later. If this problem only happened to me, it might be just because of my ignorance. Maybe you can solve my problem. Thanks.

Steve, now I sent a video on you email address. Will you download it and check it out? Thanks.