



to wolf you’ve been mentioned 用繁體字的人也認識簡體,this i disagree.The truth is someone who understand tradional ones might have difficulties in recognizing Simpfied ones.I got some dudes from Taiwan visit me,and they just cant really read the local newspaper,but ppl are not changeless,spend a litte time on learning ,you got no problems.haha

政治化? 那甚麼不是政治化呢? 中國用簡體這麼久了,難道要他們改回繁體嗎? 一個外國人要學中文,你覺得他會學一個十幾億人用的書寫體,還是只有幾千萬人使用的? 我現在不是針對兩岸之間的人對簡繁的習慣用法來討論,而是以一個外國人的角度來看如何方便學習中文。說我是島國,沒錯。但您的大國心態也不少吧? 根本不需打壓,繁體字的將來就是…被淘汰於中文的學習市場。

aboto 1, I disagree. There are still many aspects of traditional Chinese that simplified Chinese cannot supplement, so traditional Chinese probably won’t get lost. Besides, I think traditional Chinese is more beautiful than simplified Chinese, though it takes more time to write.

To Wolf:
Not all people who read traditional Chinese can understand simplified Chinese. I’m fluent with reading and writing traditional Chinese, but I have a lot of trouble reading simplified Chinese, relying mostly on guessing. Also there are many simplified characters that are very different from traditional ones.

I know this is a open forum in Chinese and you’re supposed to write in Chinese, but my Chinese typing is really slow and I’m much too lazy to do it.

I read them both. I started with traditional and then learned simplified. Not a big deal. I hardly notice the difference. On the other hand I do not write by hand.

用电脑大字的时候没有什么大问, 简体字, 繁体字,都差不多。


The simplification of “愛” to “爱” shows in my opinion that Maoism transformed love as a feeling from the heart (心) to some kind of heartless friendship (友).

Wikipedia says:
"While some simplified characters were adopted from conventional abbreviated forms that have existed for a long time, the vast majority of the changes made by PRC were “unnatural” such as the removal of the symbol for heart (心) from the word love (愛) into the new character (爱) without ‘heart’. To many, the new ‘heartless’ love character is totally against Confucianism which emphasises filial piety and humanity.
See Debate on traditional and simplified Chinese characters - Wikipedia

In Japan, we still use 愛, so we have a feeling (with a heart) in this character.


To dillemme: 天佑日本。希望災情不要持續擴大。



居然还用繁体? 现在全是通通的简体,中国只有台湾用繁体,所以大家在学习的时候多学简体



對很多繁體人仕來說, 看簡體字就像看簡化英文一樣:

thx 4 ur reply. g8! ttyl.


最近这几个帖子给我的感觉是有些偏离主题。我个人的看法是:在我看繁体字的时候,我甚至不知道我是在看繁体字,如果没有人提醒我这是繁体字,我很可能没有意识到。当然我不能代表全部的人,应该也有很多人会不适应。(估计用繁体字的人看简体会有一些麻烦),但是我想说的,跟前面的总结的一样:在学习中文的时候,不管你接触的什么字体,不用为这个担心,come on to studying. if you complete understand the language of Chinese, then you will find it isn’t a problem for you .believe me !

To shuijingzhiyue 你說的真有道理,我看簡體字有時候也不習慣,有些字也認不出來。不過久了就習慣了。

看了这么多,我也想说两句. 我是大陆来的,看繁体字的书就像简体字一样没问题. 我想原因大概是这样的: 在我小的时候,学校刚刚采用简化字, 市场上仍然有不少繁体字的书,而我又特别喜欢书, 经常看,所以慢慢就认识了. 我今年40岁,像我这一辈的大陆人,看繁体字一般问题不大, 但现在20 多岁这一辈,就不好说了, 大概因人而易吧. 其实我更喜欢繁体字, 尽管我不会写.中文的难点不在繁体字,而在古文.
当年党搞这个简化字的情形,就向今天的汉城改称首尔,日语中有汉字名而故意用片假名,以及台湾民进党的种种疯狂举动是一个道理: 为了去中国化. 本来是想逐步改成拉丁字母的,只是民间阻力太大,只得作罢. 我觉得将来回归繁体字也不是没有可能,中国什么事都有可能发生. 不管简化字好不好,汉语拼音是个好东西, 它规范了语音,又与字母搭上了钩,使得查字典不再是苦差事.

Zhoulei, 你可能是我第一個認識喜歡繁體字的大陸人. :slight_smile: