我使用了language reactor,感觉lingq有些方面太落后了

我从2021年,购入了lingq的终身会员,一直陪伴我到至今,学习了将近2000个小时,将我的日语提高到了能看懂内容略微晦涩,不太难的漫画,小说的程度,我是看了史蒂夫先生的视频来到这里的,确实这种学习方法是传统课堂无法比拟的,从lingq4升级到5,这个网站有了很大的改变,但是错误也比以前多了很多,而且开发人员处理错误的时效很不及时,即便到现在,我反馈给开发人员的错误依旧没有解决,我用起来特别的不舒服,网页版,安卓app的lingq,都有些让人血压升高的严重错误,这真的迫使我不得不寻找别的代替品,我现在找到了,就是language reactor,他们的网站,对于我的日语学习非常舒服,轻松,我在下面列举




我在lingq中很多想要的功能,全部在language reactor中,很多我在lingq中难以忍受的错误,在这里也多数解决,新用户可能觉得lingq没什么,但是使用的时间长了,lingq的错误会一天一天无限被放大,我目前已经不会在使用lingq,因为我找到了更方便的替代品,除非它在未来的某一天变好,reactor让我学习更容易,不那么疲劳,而且不那么血压高,reactor有很多lingq值得学习的地方,真心希望lingq能变得更好


I share your pain. LingQ has become worse over time and they don’t seem to fix problems. I’ve reported an error three months ago and it’s still not fixed.


This is an AI translation:

What a coincidence. Earlier today I was looking at using Language Reactor, having become disillusioned with LingQ and the never ending bugs which get in the way of learning. Not only are bugs I reported six months ago not fixed, new ones are appearing, and there are no workarounds. No I don’t want to wait over a minute while LingQ switches from video to line mode. LingQ are instead spending their time creating new features such as popup dialogs which I find annoying and pointless, and changing existing features such that they are harder to use.

I agree that lots of input and some study is an excellent way to learn, it’s just a shame that LingQ don’t seem to care about usability, and are quite happy to alienate customers. I’ve seen several bug reports including my own where the response is “That’s how it works”.

If I recall correctly, the Language Reactor Web browser extension does not work in Safari, but it does work in Opera. They give a 7 day free trial, and a one month subscription to do a long term trial is small money.

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