




Thanks for your interest in Madarin literature! You could get yourself immersed in more diversified materials by using online novel reading sites such as 华文小说 - 中国文学 - 努努书坊 - 小说在线阅读, for example…( Yes, it is very easy to find sites like it to read Madarin books online, for either modern or classic writing styles :slight_smile:

Based on your interest in 余华 and that specific historical background of mainland China, I would recommend several other authors like 王小波,路遥,莫言,贾平凹,whose language styles should be very similar and also famous for depicting hardships in lives during those hard times of mainland China.

And if you are also interested in more modern writing styles and story settings in a more modern Madarin world, you may find 海岩’s work to your like (his lists of works online here 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷品锟斤拷 - 小说锟斤拷锟斤拷锟侥讹拷 - 努努锟介坊)-- he has written dozens of work based on his experience serving in the police force and also managing large enterprises… A lot of his works have been adapted to TV series and received great success, so I assume the reading experience will be smooth enough based on that…


Thanks for your suggestions. They are very helpful and I will check them out!

Hey, I actually went and read the blog post, you’ve got a nice engaging writing style.
I’ve been getting deep into detective fiction because I was listening to Sherlock Holmes audiobooks with my daughter, so it seemed easy enough to listen again in Chinese. And it was quite easy. I also tried 三体 and found it too hard to listen to (I got completely lost when they started doing crazy stuff with the computer) though I suspect it would be easier to read than listen to.
detective fiction is super easy, I even got some that was translated from Japanese and read those on LingQ. The fact that you have “alibis” “cases” “homicide” and all of those kinds of vocabulary repeated in every novel of that genre makes it incredibly easy to follow.
I’ve wanted to find fiction that’s originally written in Chinese, but I don’t think that’s necessary for the learning process and I’ve found little in the genres I’m interested in reading…
but I have found some political science books that suit my interests :rofl:


Thanks, glad you enjoyed the blog :slight_smile: I may have mentioned this in the blog but if you’re looking for murder mysteries type novels originally written in Chinse I reccomend 坏小孩 by 紫金陈. I may have mentioned this in the blog. I found it mostly wasn’t too difficult. At the moment I’m enjoying my first non fiction book: 撒哈拉的故事 by 三毛。It’s an autobiographical account of the late Taiwanese author Sanmao while she was living in the Sahara Desert.