中文天天读#10: 奇妙的中文 Words and Expressions, Language Points

词语 Words and Expressions

1.法国 n. France
2.实在 adv. really, indeed
3.奇妙adj. marvelous, wonderful
4.尤其 adv. especially, particularly
5.比如 v. take… for example
6.胜 v. win
7.假如 conj. if
8.败 v. defeat, beat
9.总之 conj. in a word, in short
10.永远 adv. forever
11.例子 n. example

语言点 Language Points


“尤其”is an adverb used to indicate “prominence when compared with the whole or with others. Usually, it’s used in the latter part of a sentence.
Chinese is truly marvelous, especially in terms of Chinese characters.
(1) 我特别喜欢旅行,尤其喜欢去有山有水的地方。
(2) 我的女儿有很多玩具(toys),尤其是熊猫的。

at last, finally

“好容易” is an adverb which means “achieving something with great difficulty”. Its meaning is the same as “好不容易”.
Finally, I got a score of 100 in this exam.
(1) 这几天我都很忙,今天好容易才休息了半天。

中文裡,很奇妙,“好不快樂”。sometime is happy. sometime is not happy.

這句怪怪的。you can use “好不容易” is right.

这次考试我好容易得了100分。 → The exam is easy.
这次考试我好不容易得了100分。 → you study hardly