Можно загружать на LingQ аудиофайлы из Эхо Москвы и разделять их без разрешения?
Hm… Good question… I think that there will be a problem with copy rights, but, to be honest… I do not think that anybody from “Эхо Москвы” will bring this case to court.
There are plenty of Russians illegal websites there thousands of American movies being watched and downloaded every day, but I do think that many Russian hackers went to jail for it
I agree with you, Alex… Of course it is illegal
I wrote on several occasions to Exo to try to get permission to use their material, and even tried to visit them during my stay in Moscow last June. No response to my emails, and when I tried to get in to see them they would not let me come upstairs to their offices. Really friendly reception, given that I ran a blog for their website in Russian during the Vancouver Olympics, and was even interviewed with Vladislav Tretiak, former hockey great, and head of Russian Hockey Federation.
Thank you Steve. That’s more the type of answer I was looking for.
It would have been such a great resource to share with everyone if you could ensure that there would be no adverse consequences.
Thanks for trying though. Guess it’ll be only for personal use then.
Anyone know of any other radio programs similar to it which give text and audio?
You can watch and read all programs…
Thanks for the links Alenika : )
Ricky: Radio Praha (Radio Prague) have a section in Russian with text and downloadable programmes.
I’ve imported some articles from there; and while the transcripts don’t always match the audio 100%, it’s still very good, though I have a feeling some of the news readers may be Czech, and speak Russian (very well ) as a second language : )
@Steve: “…I wrote on several occasions to Exo to try to get permission to use their material, and even tried to visit them during my stay in Moscow last June. No response to my emails, and when I tried to get in to see them they would not let me come upstairs to their offices. Really friendly reception, given that I ran a blog for their website in Russian during the Vancouver Olympics, and was even interviewed with Vladislav Tretiak…”
That’s really weird, Steve.
You must have some contact people there, right? Like the person who was dealing with you while you were keeping the blog? Or the person who interviewed you?
Have you tried approaching them directly? Surely they aren’t ignoring you too, are they?
If so, WHY…? Was there some kind of ‘falling out’ between you or something…!? :-o
(It seems astonishingly rude of them to freeze you right out like this, even supposing that their answer were a definite “no”…)
@Alenika, если уж рекомендовать слушателю “Эхо Москвы” какой-либо из российских ТВ каналов, то точно не “Первый канал”
@RickyRuffcutt Канал “Дождь” транслируется он-лайн, но большинство программ почти сразу выкладывается с транскриптом.
О, ужас, а я-то надеялся, что большинство изучающих русский про-коммунистически настроены