УБИЙСТВО ЛИБЕРАЛЬНОГО ПОЛИТИКА ( The murder of the liberal politician)

Hi ! =)))

You just have to know where the subtle difference is, it is NOT his PERSONAL opinion, he just works here, earning money for these posts, and sure enough, you, in the UK can NOT even believe it to be true… This is exactly the reason I warn you’all about… So that you have a legit real understanding how it works…

Even more so, had it been his legit PERSONAL opinion, I would NOT in any way object, to the point that it may be even JUST exactly OPPOSITE to my…

Lol - thanks for that.

An interesting discussion so far… here are some more facts:

  1. A recent poll (http://www.gfk.com/ua/Documents/Presentations/GFK_report_FreeCrimea.pdf conducted by GFK, a German company, under an initiative funded by the Canadian government) showed 82% of Crimeans fully support Crimea being part of Russia. Steve, if you are ploughing the furrow that Crimeans don’t want to be part of Russia, then that really is a pretty lonely furrow.

From the same survey 51% of people said their material well-being had improved, only 13% said it had become worse. The other third said more or less the same.

This survey was funded by the Canadian government, for an organisation whose aim is to bring the Crimea back to the Ukraine. Talk about not seeing the facts right in front of their nose. Crimea was given to the Ukraine by one man, Kruschev, without any of its people being asked or their opinion considered. They clearly want to be part of Russia again. Why would they want to be part of a poorer, more corrupt country where their language and cultural rights are constantly under attack?

  1. Since the fall of the Soviet Union NATO countries have launched air strikes on 8 countries (Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Yemen, Syria, Libya).

  2. NATO attacked Yugoslavia and then created a new country, Kosovo, without UN approval.

  3. Yanukovich was democratically elected. It was his prerogative to delay signing the EU association agreement. If Ukrainians didn’t like it, he was up for re-election and they could vote him out. That is how democracy is supposed to work.

  4. Protesters in the Maidan were not unarmed peace loving hippies. They were armed with Molotov cocktails, rifles, pistols and were throwing paving stones and they killed police.

None of that would be acceptable in the West, nor would Russian or Chinese or Indian politicians encouraging a violent revolution in one of the main squares of any Western capital. Yet Western governments think it is OK in the Ukraine, and Nuland and McCain can be there handing out biscuits?

  1. 6,000 people have been killed in Donbass. There is no need for any fabricated stories to rouse Russian people – they just need to look at the civilians killed, people who, until a fairly short time ago, were their countrymen. Yes, you do need to look at Russian sources, because the West refuses to detail what Poroshenko is doing there. But dead bodies tell their own tale.

  2. Although I think a ‘casualty competition’ is disrespectful to those killed, NATO countries have killed far more people in the past 20 years than Russia did in Chechnya. Despite this, non-NATO countries such as Finland, Austria and Sweden have not brought in any sanctions against the USA or other NATO countries, which would lead me to believe that these sanctions are not done for any moral purpose, but are simply anti-Russian.

  3. Donbass (and in fact most land east of the Dnieper) was part of the Russian empire from 1654. It is culturally, historically, and ethnically predominantly Russian. The Ukrainian government has been hard at work with their Ukrainisation policy to try and convert them to ‘Ukrainians’. Since 1998, the law has been that all films must be dubbed or subtitled in Ukrainian, and there has been a sharp decrease in Russian-medium schools and universities. Is this not cultural genocide? Watch this lady in Lugansk oblast – she outlines her feelings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcm3xp2sfxQ Or is she also part of Russian propaganda?

  4. The three things Putin (or his ‘allies’- Yanukovich and the separatists) has been accused of being behind – the MH17 downing, the Nemtsov murder, the sniper shootings in Kiev, have all been obviously detrimental to Putin and to Russia. He clearly must be a stupid man to keep doing these things to antagonise the West. Cui bono, I’d suggest…

  5. The Ukrainians have more Buks than the separatists.

In regards to the Nemtsov killing, I have been in that area dozens of times, on foot and by car, never have I been stopped by the police. Saying that because it happened so close to the Kremlin therefore Putin must be involved is like saying the Canadian government was involved in the parliament shooting in Ottawa – after all, we know from Snowden that the ‘Five Eyes’ (Canada, Australia, UK, New Zealand, USA) run the most extensive data collection system in the world, surely they knew it was coming?

Nemtsov was yesterday’s man – not even that – he was 15 years ago man. He was nothing in modern Russian politics. The Western media jumped on the story of his antagonism towards Putin and idealised him, just as they do Khodorkovsky, one of the biggest thieves and criminals of all time, and suddenly he is a respected person simply because he is anti – Putin? That shows how far the Western media has sunk in their anti-Russian and anti-Putin position

The great myth put about by the Ukrainians and the press is that the Ukrainian army is losing the ‘war’ because of its lack of armaments. The reason the Ukrainians are losing is a lack of will & heart. The only ones keen for the fight are the neo-Nazi battalions such as Azov and Aidar (Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists The women fighting on the frontline in Ukraine | Ukraine | The Guardian The symbol on the van behind “Anaconda” is from a Nazi regiment, 1488 is a white-supremacist, neo-Nazi number.) Even the Western media are reporting on the failure of the recruitment drives by the Ukrainians:
Ukraine: draft dodgers face jail as Kiev struggles to find new fighters | Ukraine | The Guardian
In Ukraine's West, Patriotism Is One Thing. Fighting's Quite Another
The Draft Dodgers of Ukraine – Foreign Policy

Poroshenko, not known for his truthfulness thus far, claims there are 12,000 Russian soldiers in Donbass. Even if it were true (and I am still waiting for the satellite photos of mass troop movements across the border - we saw more evidence in the Cuban Missile Crisis 50 years ago) - 12,000 soldiers defeating a country of 40 million people? Really? The Ukraine was the world’s 4th largest exporter of arms in 2012 – it knows how to make weapons. Those 12,000 soldiers must be quite the supermen. In fact NATO said in January it was 1,000 and now they too have upped it to 12,000. Poroshenko has already called up 4 waves of conscription, plus the volunteer battalions, plus the existing soldiers. These soldiers, backed by one of the world’s top arms exporters, can’t beat 12,000 ‘Russians’? 12,000 soldiers spread from Lugansk all the way to Mariupol? If they think their country is being invaded, why aren’t they fighting? That is the question which should be asked, not whether to send them more guns.

Maybe we should just all sit back and listen to some Pushkin… and who doesn’t love Pushkin?

I am simply tired of arguing with Russians who feel they have the right to decide the fate of Ukraine, who deny the obvious facts of Russian aggression in Crimea and Donbas, and who seek to justify it by referring to other irrelevant conflicts. In the long run the Russians will be the losers as Russia is increasingly isolated. Very unfortunate yet unavoidable I fear.

Hi, Steve! =)))

And you don’t have to! :wink:

Did you think billions of petrodollars pumped into our mass media were just for fun? :wink:

The result is waaay too apparent to even try arguing, i.e. brain’s been washed through, OK!

Стив, нечего ответить на аргументы Wato? Русские не имеют право решать судьбу Украины? Конечно, канадец такое право имеет…

От кого Россия изолируется? От Канады? Больше других стран нет? Тяжело нам в России быть неудачниками, имея такую большую территорию…

Стив, какое право ты имеешь обсуждать дела в Украине, на другой стороне света? Какое тебе дело до всего этого? Какой интерес у тебя? Обычная националистическая ненависть… Ни на один разумный довод ты не хочешь отвечать.

Более того, какая моральная сила позволяет тебе одновременно с этим одобрять или, как минимум, не порицать, прямое вмешательство США в дела Украины, подстрекательство к военным действиям, к вооруженному конфликту, поставки оружия в зону конфликта? Где ты нашел силы для этого? Обама озвучил теорию превосходства североамериканской рассы, видимо, это и служит источником. Отвратительно.

Почему твои демократические ценности не говорят тебе о незаконности наложения санкций на Россию в обход решений Совета Безопасности ООН? Ты называешь это просто изоляцией России, я - нечестной циничной игрой.

Создай ветку с обсуждением проблем с защитой прав человека в Канаде или соседних тебе США и обсуждай. Или всё в Канаде отлично? Чем же так Украина или Россия тебе интересна?

Вся твоя демагогия о российских войсках в Украине останется демагогией, пока ты не предоставишь доказательства.

Pauler, ты уже утомил называть всех несогласных с тобой проплаченными ботами. Пока что вижу только одного проплаченного неуклюжего бота здесь… Угадай, кто это?

Промытые мозги? Нефтедоллары? Циркач…

Wato, I agree 100%.

Haha! =))) Judging by the inadequate reaction I do know it hit home, 100% ! =)))

Thanks a lot for the proof it did! :wink:

Стив, смею заметить, что в русскоязычных и украинских СМИ есть РАЗНЫЕ точки зрения. Но читаете вы только одну.

Я так понимаю, Дождь и Эхо Москвы в России. Поверьте, убогая желтая пресса.

Дурачок, ты думал, тебе улыбаться будут?

Адекватная реакция, считаешь, заключается в обмене любезностями? Даже если ты открыто хамишь?

Можешь, кстати, писать по-русски. Или тебе нужен эффект для англоязычной публики, проплаченный ты наш бот?

Я, между делом, тебе ничего не хотел доказывать. Просто показал на твое местоположение.

Haha! =))

Brevitiy is the mother of a talent? :wink:

Ever heard of this, eh? :wink:

Стив, я не в меньшей степени устал от подобных твоим безапелляционных заявлений, в которых отрицаются не менее очевидные факты прямого американского вмешательства и организации и руководства американцами событиями на Майдане, раскручивание военного маховика в Донбассе.

А кто будет неудачником в перспективе, покажет время.

And mind, you do not have to get so much stressed because of me! :wink:

Just go ahead and relax! :wink:

По делу есть чего сказать, говорилка?

Sapienti sat ! :wink:

I don’t expect to persuade anyone. I have posted what I consider to be the facts of the situation. Nothing to add other than that the Maidan was a Ukrainian event. Outsiders tried to influence it, US, EU Russia, but when 500,000 and more people turn out for demonstrations, that is a genuine national movement. From listening to Ukrainian public radio (Hromadske) it is obvious that the spirit of the Maidan is real, inspiring a remarkable phenomenon of volunteerism at all levels in Ukraine, and hope in a future without the corruption and arbitrary power of the first 23 years of Ukraine’s existence. Putin does not want the Ukrainians to succeed and invaded. Invasion is not the same as trying to influence a country. Russia spent a lot of money influencing and infiltrating Ukraine for 23 years, but lost the country. My views of the Ukraine don’t matter. I would rather see it as a neutral Switzerland, respected by its neighbours. But Switzerland does not have Russia as a neighbour. Ukrainians should be able to decide their own fate. To a large number, perhaps a majority of Russians, Ukraine does not exist, their language does not exist, and they resent the fact that a majority of Ukrainians feel differently.

You have no your personal opinion Pavel! All you said is a media’s opinion! So you’re earning money here for your posts…

Don’t be tired, just study Russian and forget about politics, because you won’t believe in what we say. You just believe in your zombie TV and that is it.

Это не Pauler! Это психически не нормальный бот, у которого задача такая говорить что все боты, кроме него, хотя как раз все наоборот.