Кто сбил Малазийский самолёт? (Who shot down the Malaysian aircraft?)

Agreed. Aussie headlines this morning (& it’s still morning here), are saying there’s still 100 bodies missing, despite the train leaving the area.

Look, I only know what the British media are (or were the day before yesterday) reporting. I’m very sorry if there are some victims not yet recovered. It’s a truly horrible situation. Our hearts should go out to the surviving friends and relatives of these poor people.

Any loss of a civilian plane is an awful and ugly situation. In a zone where a civil war is raging it isn’t likely to be any better, IMO.


Some might say the core cause of the Ukrainian situation is the Western sponsored overthrow of a democratically elected president… and the Russian propaganda is simply a reaction to that.

Мне просто интересно, почему на русском форуме все пишут по-английски ? Может это новые санкции против России ? :slight_smile:

Eugrus, 4 days after the shooting down of this plane we still have rotting bodies in the field, and no forensic investigation commenced.

All these days there was a ton of critics on what is being done with dead bodies. If the initial demands (“not touching and let them lie where they are”) would have been complied with, there wouldn’t have been much from their remains to investigate or send to the families at this point given the temperature and humidity. So from what I see it were the separatists who have done their best to save the evidence until the investigators arrive, as well as saving the appropriate image of the dead, while the CNN&co. were demanding to let them rot.

The Russian government - this whole time - has quibbled, delayed and amended the unsc resolution to fix this situation. Only passing it today after a lot of pressure.

I guess the original resolution text was containing proleptic accusations - so another edition had to be agreed on.

Denton, здесь это обычная ситуация.
Если на русской ветке писать по-русски, то не-русские просто не поймут. Вот и пишем по-английски.


Тела погибших пассажиров малайзийского Boeing несколько дней оставались на 30-градусной жаре, поскольку представители ОБСЕ не позволяли убрать трупы, заявил премьер-министр Донецкой народной республики Александр Бородай.

«Мы хотели это сделать с самого начала. Но мы испытывали чрезвычайно жесткое давление со стороны представителя ОБСЕ, который говорил: «Я представитель 57 стран. Не смейте трогать тела погибших. Ни в коем случае. Иначе все 57 стран, входящих в ОБСЕ, то-то и то-то вам сделают. Это ужасно. Не трогайте - должны приехать эксперты». Мы ждем день, второй, третий, но - ни одного эксперта», - подчеркнул Бородай.

Я так думаю, что с подачи сша. (Usa)