YouTube videos cannot be imported

There is a problem with importing in the ‘video’ field currently. The issue is persisting on Youtube because all Youtube videos use that import field. You can import Youtube text with my playlist extension until the issue is fixed.

See here.

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Ditto - thought it was just me. Not working on my phone or desktop.

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Thanks for reporting, we are looking into it.

Might be a good idea to post an announcement somewhere on the forum at least. There are lots of these “youtube doesn’t work” posts.

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Same here. Cannot import youtube videos. Have to manually copy and past the transcripts myself :frowning:


Any timetable for a fix for this problem? Thanks


We will hopefully push a fix soon. Thanks for your patience.

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Is there any update on this?

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Should work properly on the website now with browser extensions. Are you still having issues?

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I’m still having issue.

Me too. Can’t import youtube selection from the ipad. Same error as before

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Has this been fixed or not?

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I see no improvement on my side:

This is a video I was abble to import previously:

I was abble to import also

I’m referring to video which are currently in my list of imported videos.


Do you have the latest extension version installed?

Importer version is:

Version 2.3.12

I’m referring to the plugin installed in Chrome to import video.

It is the latest version available on

@isle9 @LA4 @nicolasbrunel Guys thank you for the feedback.
This is related to the known issue of the impossibility of importing YouTube videos with auto-generated captions. It should be fixed in the following release, most likely by the end of the week.

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Was the extension not updated on firefox? :frowning:

It says 2.2.12 on firefox.

Hello @isle9,

I’ve tested a few videos, and the extension is working fine for me. Could you share some examples of links that are not working for you?

This one:

But it seems to work now. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!

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I’m confirming that its now working for me too on firefox, chrome, and ios… Thanks.

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