Youtube import broken?

As of this morning 9/4/2024 I can’t import Youtube videos - fails with “unavailable” error. Netflix imports seem to work fine. Does anyone else have problems or is it just me?


I can confirm this.
OS: Windows 10
Browser: Google Chrome
Target Langauge: Ukrainian
I am using the LingQ Impoter Plugin for chrome to import
Example Video for reproducing:
Plugin Version: 2.3.15

Same here. “Error: Importing failed - Unavailable”. Lingq is not having a good week.



I’ve just tried two French videos, making sure the subtitles are enabled, and both failed several times. iPad 12.9” latest iOS version.

I’ve said it before, make hay while the sun shines. When YouTube import works, import a large number of videos.


You can try out this free extension / web form to import YouTube videos to LingQ


Any word from Lingq on the extension?

I tried using Rooster but I couldn’t figure out how to import. I tried the button for LingQ after putting in the youtube url but it said “Fetchings sub…” and nothing ever happened. I wasn’t trying to transcribe, just import the video with the existing subtitles.

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Sorry to hear that. We are looking into the issue.


I have the same problem.
Windows 10
Chinese (usual video with CC subtitles)

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It worked for me this morning but not working again. I thought Lingq said it was not supporting import any more so was surprised it worked. Can you confirm if uploads from Youtube will be supported in the future or not? It makes a huge difference to the value that can be gained from the platform and it’s a pain when it doesn’t work. I think after all these months there should be a clear communication about intentions. I think customers are running out of patience.


Yes, we are all done with this :poop: but what they said they were not supporting anymore was the Whisper AI transcription from videos without CC subtitles. As far as I know, the ones with CC subtitles should work , until this new issue appeared…

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Sorry everyone. It should be working. We’re trying to figure out why it isn’t. The only thing we removed was Support for automatic whisper transcription from YouTube, which definitely won’t work anymore. But, we will get this working for all videos with captions. We’re trying to figure out what the issue is right now.


I take it that before you release a new version into the wild, you carry out a series of tests on the various platforms - Android, Windows, iOS, Web - to ensure it works?

At least I no longer worry about the unfixed serious bugs I reported six months ago, they pale into insignificance compared to these show stoppers.


I find that YouTube import generally works about 50% of the time. Broken again for me now (Chrome on Mac).


Have you recently tried to transcribe an audio file? It appears that isn’t working now, too.

Just glad we haven’t paid one year in advance :wink:

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I wouldn’t even know how to do that. I tried and failed to import podcasts, they don’t support that feature without first converting the podcast to a file, which is impossible on iOS.


There was an issue with returning manual subtitles for YouTube on the Rooster Free Extension / Web Form. It has been fixed now

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still i cannot import any youtube video
from mac using chrome, safari and ipad safari
target lang: english

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I tried using it again and for about an hour it has been stuck on “downloading audio…”

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Still not working here. On Chrome on mac with version 2.3.15 of the Lingq extension.

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Same here :frowning:


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