Why must I click twice?

Same here. It happens every single time i change the status of a yellow word.

It is still happening. It makes Lingqing extremely frustrating.

The same here, on all my devices and, yes It makes Lingqing extremely frustrating.

It’s happening for me also!

It’s working for me now as intended both in the app and on the web page. I updated the app and then I had to log off and log in again. It seems to me that this sort of a reset has fixed the bug

Try logging out and logging back in. Maybe even uninstall and reinstall the app. That helped me. I was doing it for another reason but I think it ended up potentially fixing it as I haven’t had the issue on the app in a few days. I’m not sure about the website.

It seems to me that the problem is no longer happening.
Was something done by the lingQ technical team or was it pure luck that it is working?

I can confirm that, many thanks to devs! Though I’d appreciate if we were kept informed.

The issue has been fixed a few days ago. Sorry guys, I was sure that I did posted here. I guess I only messaged users who complained via email. My bad.
Anyway, I am glad you noticed it works properly now!

Awesome thank you very much!