Hi! =)) I’m from Moscow, Russia with my native being Russian.
Your ideas really made me give it quite a consideration, actually!
I guess, I managed to come to the point for you to start an explanation.
No one here, in this thread, have ever mentioned there had been NO business in this country EVER SINCE 1917 ! Of course, I’m talking about legit private business.
I think, the mere mention of this fact alone may become a real starting point for your understanding of the reasons for the strange conduct you described.
My feeling is, that fact alone explains a whole lot for you.
Surely, sometimes there are also practical reasons for us, Russians, to speak English to each other. I had a talk on the Internet with a guy from Moscow who is in another country now and, hence, has no Russian speaking environment at all. Why should I bother him speaking Russian, if all he uses now is English? We surely speak English with each other, as it’s rather unnatural for him now to speak Russian, although it’s his native language!
As for the Russian language itself in its linguistic aspect, not only do I use Russain as my communications means, it’s my production tool as well, if I may call it this way! =))) Being an interpreter and translation editor, I have to know Russian much much better than an average Russian-speaking native. That’s what I’m paid for, after all !
Ah, it’s just now that I’ve read the last but one paragraph in your post; why, it’s only natural for me to speak Russian, both oral and written! =))) I’m talking about all our adjective and noun cases and verb conjugation paradigms! No problem! I’m always there to help!